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4 Critical Signs You Should Have New Roof

September 6, 2018
Roofing Blog

You wake up one day after a rainy night and you see small stains on the ceiling that require you to take action quickly because the roof is leaking! , Even though it can happen because of various reasons, here are the top 4 signs you need a new roof…

Sign #1 - Your Roof Age 

Most asphalt roofs last between 20-25 years, your roof expected life span also depends on a few other criteria such as, the number of roof layers that you have and proper ventilation. 

A lot of times we can’t remember when was the last time the roof was replaced so it is always a good idea to check the attic for any wet insulation or water stains. 

Missing shingles on Fort Smith AR roof.

Sign #2 - Missing Shingles 

Missing shingles on an aging roof it's a big sign that it's time for a new roof. These shingles didn't give up for no reason and if they are missing it means your roof is compromised.

Missing granules on Alma AR roof.

Sign #3 -  Your Granules are gone 

Granulas are the top colorful layer on your asphalt roof shingles, even though most of us think their job is to provide us with a nice curve appeal. Their main job is to shed water. By the end of your roof lifespan, they tend to lose more. Check your rain gutters to see if they are loaded with granules and if so it's time for a new roof.

Sign #4 - Saggy roof 

Your roof decking are not exposed to the elements. If you walk on your roof and you feel your feets sagge into the roof, its mean there is a water problem and your roof is failing.

We are here to help you with any of your roofing needs. Whether you need roof repair or roof replacement


Call us today to schedule your next FREE roof inspection.   

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